US Congressman Introduces Bill to Ban The Fed From Creating A CBDC

In a recent move to protect financial privacy, Majority Whip Tom Emmer (MN-06) has spearheaded an initiative to prevent the Federal Reserve from introducing a Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC). The bill, titled the *CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act*, aims to halt the efforts of unelected officials in Washington, D.C., from issuing a CBDC that could infringe upon Americans’ financial privacy rights.

**Key Points:**

– The bill seeks to make the Federal Reserve’s CBDC research and development programs more transparent and accountable to the American public.
– It has garnered support from several Republican representatives, including French Hill (AR-02), Warren Davidson (OH-08), Mike Flood (NE-01), and others.
– Emmer emphasized that any digital version of the dollar should uphold American values of privacy, individual sovereignty, and free market competitiveness. He warned against the potential development of a surveillance tool that could compromise these values.
– Rep. Hill, Chairman of the Financial Services Subcommittee on Digital Assets, Financial Technology, and Inclusion, expressed his commitment to protecting people’s privacy and data. He stressed that the federal government lacks the authority to issue a CBDC directly to individuals without explicit Congressional approval.
– Rep. Davidson voiced concerns about a retail CBDC allowing the government to mediate all transactions, drawing parallels with practices observed in China.
– The legislation specifically prohibits the Federal Reserve from issuing a CBDC directly to individuals and from using the CBDC to implement monetary policy. It also mandates regular consultations and reports to Congress on the progress of any CBDC study or pilot program.

**Direct Quotes:**

– Emmer: “Any digital version of the dollar must uphold our American values of privacy, individual sovereignty and free market competitiveness. Anything less opens the door to the development of a dangerous surveillance tool.”
– Rep. Hill: “The federal government cannot and does not have the authority to issue a CBDC directly to individuals without explicit Congressional approval. I am proud to co-sponsor the CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act, led by my colleague, Whip Emmer, which will protect the financial privacy of individuals, their civil liberties, and stop efforts of federal overreach to surveil Americans.”
– Rep. Davidson: “The Fed must focus on its dual mandate rather than eradicating financial autonomy. A retail CBDC would essentially allow the government to mediate all transactions, which would mirror what we see in China. It’s vital to ensure this does not happen here.”


– A CBDC could strip Americans of their right to financial privacy.
– The Federal Reserve could potentially use a CBDC as a tool to control the economy.
– There are concerns about the Federal Reserve becoming a retail bank with the ability to collect personal information on all Americans.
– The introduction of a CBDC could reshape the banking industry, possibly to the detriment of consumers and the economy.

In conclusion, the introduction of the *CBDC Anti-Surveillance State Act* underscores the growing concerns surrounding financial privacy and the potential implications of a CBDC. As the debate continues, it remains to be seen how the Federal Reserve and other stakeholders will respond to these concerns.

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